The key to safety is in your hands

what we do

“What we do”

We are constantly introducing environmentally friendly, advanced technologies and best practices in our operations in warehousing and freight services, and we value safety. An entire facility dedicated to you. Customer-dedicated temperature-controlled warehouses guarantee available capacity for your storage requirements when you need it. And we can tailor the value-add processes taking place inside, too.

Warehousing services

Warehousing services

Inland transportation

Inland transportation

Project shipment, Dangerous Goods etc.

Project shipment, Dangerous Goods etc.

Customs clearance and broker’s service

Customs clearance and broker’s service

Warehouse Location

Khan-Uul district, 21 khoroo, 28 khoroolol, Ulziitiin road, at the beginning point of new airport highway entrance

Warehouse Location


We create the best developments and products and services, and create value together with our colleagues, customers and partners.

Our Customers

“We create the best developments and products and services, and create value together with our colleagues, customers and partners.”
